Michael McConnohie
Curriculum Vitae,
Biographical Information,
Work Experience:

Combat Correspondent Course (USMC), Camp Pendleton 1969
Defense Information School, Indianapolis 1969
A.A. Theater Arts, Phoenix College 1975
B.A. Theater Arts, CSUN 1981
Writing for the Screen, UCLA 1983-1984

Memberships & Associations

Screen Actors Guild
American Federation of Radio and Television Artists
Actors Equity Association
National Association of the Self-Employed (NASE)

Language Skills

While not fluent, familiar with and slightly conversant in Italian and Spanish.  Familiar with but less conversant in German, Portuguese, Polish, Czech / Slovak, Hungarian [Magyar], Finnish and Swedish.  Light familiarity with Japanese, Thai and Korean.  (Have dictionaries, will travel!)

Post-Production Skills

Familiar with most forms of film audio post-production and recording venues  –  ProTools, Akai, Fairlight systems etc.  Excellent ear for EQ and M&E / dialogue matching, excellent eye for sync adjustment.  Excellent communication with engineers and mixers.

Production / Directing Background

Actor, director, writer  –  25-plus years.  Major work areas:
International Localization
ADR / Dubbing / Looping
Interactive Media
Books On Tape
Other Audio Productions

Interpersonal (People) Skills

EXCELLENT.  Able to "speak actor and director" while ensuring that client / company needs are met, in a warm, non-threatening manner.  Fair-minded, intelligent, and capable of both compromise and firmness when necessary.  Getting the job done is first priority, but always with an eye toward maintaining and guarding future work relationships.

Performance Background (selected)

Passions  Recurring  (NBC-TV) The District  Co-Star  (CBS TV)
Black Hawk Down  (opening narration, feature)
Frog-g-g!  (action/horror feature)
Arrest and Trial  (TV syndication)
Castle Dracula  (live performance, Universal Studios Tour)
G.I. Joe  (TV animation & feature voice)
Transformers  (TV animation & feature voices)
Walter Melon  (TV animation voice)
On-air radio – KRNT, Des Moines;  KRFM, Phoenix;  KJOI, Los Angeles

Hobbies & Interests

Computing, Travel, Scuba

Michael is President of Voxworks Ltd., a Nevada corporation providing voicework talent in interactive media, animation, industrials, audio books, ADR - dubbing - looping, and other audio production involving the spoken word.